Discover the range of services we offer at Little Gannets

Little Guga's

Baby Weaning

Our Weaning Workshops are designed for parents to learn more about introducing solids. We recommend these groups to those with babies around 4-6 months old.

A Guga is a baby Gannet- a cute name to go with our cute gannets! We’re here to help support you turn your fledgling Guga into a Little Gannet!

Start Your Weaning Journey
Family Nutritional Support

Nutrition Coaching

If you would like personalised nutritional support for you and your family then I can help.

Whether it be a quick question about achieving a balanced diet, or whether you want to work with me over several weeks to put some positive changes, I am here to help.

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Feeding Support

Fussy Eaters

Do you find yourself banging your head against a brick wall every time you serve up dinner? Do you have regular mealtime battles? Are you worried about your child getting a balanced diet as a result of their restricted eating?

Take a step back and let me help you!

Find Out More
Important Information

Pre-booking is essential and spaces limited, so book in advance to avoid disappointment.

Our content is of a general nature- if you or your child have specific medical needs which will impact your diet or their weaning journey, please consult with your GP before booking.