Family Nutritional Support

Nutrition Coaching

Rome wasn't built in a day- and most of the time changing our diet isn't a quick, over-night fix either. Very often changing our diet can involve changing habits of a lifetime- not to mention our routine, any emotional associations you may have, and any considerations you may have with feeding a family too. I offer a range of packages to help support you- from standalone sessions for those quick check-ins to 6 and 12 week courses that take you every step of the way.  

Now, this is nutrition coaching with a difference. Little Gannets puts families front and centre of what it does. I help you find that balance between achieving your own nutritional goals whilst at the same time feeding your family, keeping mealtimes fun and enjoyable.

Family Nutritional Support



This is a 90 minute discovery session to help you kick-start your nutritional journey by discussing what it is that you want to achieve and how we can make that happen.

Your 90 minute Discovery session will:

  • Help you discover Where you are now
  • Establish what Nutritional goals you have
  • identify Any Barriers you are facing
  • Provide evidence based nutritional advice
  • discuss practical steps you can take to meet your goals

The Nourish package lasts 6 weeks and can help you make a good start with making practical and realistic changes to your diet.

This includes:

  • 1x 90 Minute Discovery Session (week 1)
  • 5x 45 Minute 'Check-In' Sessions (Week 2-6) where we will Assess progress and make any adjustments if necessary
  • Food Diary Analysis- providing you a Macro and Micro Nutrient breakdown of your diet to Help ensure you are meeting your nutritional needs based on your Individual calorie requirements
  • Personalised Meal Plan- To help you meet you nutritional goals
  • Time Spent Ensuring that This is working for you and the family

The Flourish package lasts 12 weeks and gives you that extra time and support to help make those changes life-long habits:

This includes:

  • 1x 90 Minute Discovery Session (week 1)
  • 11x 45 Minute 'Check-In' Sessions (Week 2-12) where we will Assess progress and make any adjustments if necessary
  • Food Diary Analysis- providing you a Macro and Micro Nutrient breakdown of your diet to Help ensure you are meeting your nutritional needs based on your Individual calorie requirements
  • Personalised Meal Plan- To help you meet you nutritional goals
  • Time Spent Ensuring that This is working for you and the family
Why do I need a Nutrition Coach that considers the whole family when discussing my personal goals?

My flippant answer is that no one likes cooking twice!!!

But in all seriousness, have you ever found yourself going; "well I would love to eat that, but there is no way the kids will touch it and I don't have the time to cook twice", or "I'm really worried I've had to cut out X food because of a child's allergy, but now I am worried we are missing some nutrients"? These are just a couple of common examples I hear all the time, and let's face it, as parents it is often the case we are thinking about family meals and not just meals for one! There is also no point in me recommending certain changes if there is no way it will fit in with your family life- ultimately they will likely not stick and you will revert back to what you were doing before.

Now, as parents it can be really hard to create a healthy diet for the family that meets everyone's unique nutritional needs- and I want to help you to do that by helping you cut through the noise. I am really passionate about helping families achieve a healthy balance and healthy relationships in their household when it comes to food.

All of my consultations are with you only and the goals you want to achieve will be yours alone- the children will not be directly involved in this process at all. However, because I also have qualifications in child feeding and nutrition, I can help you make tweaks to their meals too so that the changes you make not only benefit you, but the family as a whole.

Finally, I'm a mum of 2 myself, and I have plenty of understanding (and sympathy) on the challenges that cooking a simple meal can sometimes create!

Is this a weight loss program?

Only if you want it to be.  Broadly speaking, the main objective is for you to achieve a healthy diet - the emphasis is not on weight loss, but on achieving nutritional health and the right balance. Many people who are of a 'healthy' weight or even classed as underweight can be lacking the right balance of nutrients to benefit their bodies.

You may have other specific objectives in mind too, for example, you want to have more meat-free days but you are concerned about protein intake, or you may simply be aware that you could be eating healthier but you are not really sure where to begin.

That said, I am trained in weight management (for adults only). If one of your goals is to lose some weight then we can absolutely take that into consideration for you.

How long are the sessions and what is involved?

My Discover session is 90 minutes. This is a longer session so we have enough time to get to know you and establish your goals. In advance of the session you may also be asked to keep a food diary of at least 2 weekdays and one day at the weekend. This can help us evaluate the diet in more detail.

For the Nourish and Flourish Packages the subsequent sessions are once a week for 45 minutes for the remainder of the time. We will typically review progress made in the past week, review any challenges faced, and celebrate all the success you have had.

In between sessions in the Nourish and Flourish Packages you will also be asked to keep a food diary- this will typically be for at least 3 days of the week (as with the initial Discover session) to help us establish true food intake and identify areas we can improve upon.

Is this suitable if someone in the family has a medical condition?

These packages are of a generalised nature. That means that if you have a medical condition which impacts your diet, then this may not be suitable for you. I will do a medical screening with you in advance to ensure that this package will be suitable- in some scenarios you may be asked to seek advice from your GP to ensure that they are happy for you to go ahead. As I am not a medical practitioner I am unable to diagnose medical conditions (this includes intolerances/IBS).

I am pregnant/breastfeeding, can I still do this program?

Yes. This will be something that you do need to disclose, however, in the medical screening before we start. This is because we will need to ensure that any changes to the diet meet your unique nutritional needs during this time of your life.

Where do these sessions take place?

These sessions are currently being held in person if you are local to the Telford/Shrewsbury area. I can also hold virtual sessions for those further afield.

Do you have weekend/evening availability?

Please get in contact to schedule times and to find out exact availability.

Interested In Booking or Have Any More Questions?
Get In Touch
Important Information

Our content is of a general nature- if you have specific medical needs please consult with your GP before booking.