Feeding Support

'Fussy' Eaters

Do you find yourself banging your head against a brick wall every time you serve up dinner? Do you have regular mealtime battles? Are you worried about your child getting a balanced diet as a result of their restricted eating? Let me help you!

I would like to say I actually dislike the term 'Fussy Eater'- very often there are very common reasons for selective eating and actually most children go through phases of 'fussy eating' at some point or other. It is very normal!

However, these phases can often be very concerning and frustrating for us parents as we worry about our child's nutrition. My packages aim to equip you with the knowledge of why it might be happening, and give you practical tools to help you deal with it- hopefully allowing you to create a positive mealtime experience and healthy relationships with food for your child/children.


'Fussy' Eating Packages

Foundation Package

A 90 minute session where we will deep-dive into what you are experiencing and tailor the below content to you.

We will cover:

  • The common causes of 'fussy' eating
  • Strategies for Preventing/Resolving it
  • What makes a healthy diet for you and your family and how to get there with a 'fussy' eater in the house.

You will receive an email summary of what we have discussed at the end for you to refer back to.

Price: £60

Nurture Package

A 6 week program designed to really help support you make some positive changes at mealtimes. This package includes:

  • 1x 90 minute Foundation session (Week 1)
  • Food diary analysis- This will help identify areas in the diet that can be improved
  • Meal planning- to help you provide a balanced diet going forward
  • 45 minute session at week 4- to review progress and tweak
  • 45 Minute Session At week 6- To review progress and put a future plan in place
  • Unlimited email support should you need it throughout the 6 weeks

Price: £199

Get in touch for upcoming availability
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Upcoming Workshops

Available Dates

Fussy Eaters Workshop • £50 PP

February 10th 2024 • 7-9pm

Admaston House, Wellington Rd, Admaston, Telford TF5 0BN

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£50 PP includes workshop & light refreshments. Content covered is that of the Foundation Package. Pre-booking  is essential.

Important Information

Our content is of a general nature- if your child has specific medical needs which will impact their eating, please consult with your GP before booking. This content is not suitable for children with ASD or ARFID.

The content and discussions will not be suitable for little ears, so please ensure that your child/children are not present at the 1:1.