Rainbow Fruit Kebabs

These easy fruit kebabs are a great healthy choice for a buffet at a kids party or simply a snack! By making these rainbow coloured they are greatly appealing to kids (and adults) and eating food on a stick is always an added bonus (even to fussy eaters!).

Makes: 12

Prep: 10 Mins

Cooking Time: N/A

Ready In: 10 Mins

  • 12 Strawberries
  • 1-2 Easy Peelers/Satsumas
  • 2-3 Pineapple Rings (Tinned Pineapple for ease)
  • 12 Green Grapes, halved lengthways
  • 12 Purple Grapes, halved lengthways
  • 12 Blackberries
  1. Place a whole strawberry on the kebab stick followed by a segment of satsuma, pineapple, green grape, purple grape and finally a blackberry.


  1. Place a whole strawberry on the kebab stick followed by a segment of satsuma, pineapple, green grape, purple grape and finally a blackberry.


  • 12 Strawberries
  • 1-2 Easy Peelers/Satsumas
  • 2-3 Pineapple Rings (Tinned Pineapple for ease)
  • 12 Green Grapes, halved lengthways
  • 12 Purple Grapes, halved lengthways
  • 12 Blackberries

Additional Information

You may notice I have still cut the grapes in half- you can never be too careful! I would also like to say that sitting down is always the best way to eat anyway, but especially with these as we are introducing a sharp stick into the mix!

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