
This is my take on a breakfast from a popular fastfood chain (I bet you can't guess which one!). Our surname is Martyn, so we call these McMartyns, but feel free to change up the name for your own surname- trust me, the kids seem to love this simple tweak for some reason!

We started making our breakfast at home for a couple of reasons- firstly it is much healthier, we can control the quality of ingredients, how much oil it is cooked with, using wholemeal muffins as well as serving it with vegetables or fruit (I used tomatoes and mushrooms here). Another reason is it is a lot more cost effective to do this than buy a breakfast for a family of 4. Finally, we have found it reduced the amount of times the kids asked to go to said fastfood place without them feeling like they were missing out or putting that chain on a pedestal/turning it into the 'forbidden fruit' experience. Parent win all round I would say!

Serves: 4

Prep: 10 Mins

Cooking Time: 30 Mins

Ready In: 40 Mins

  • 4 English Breakfast Muffins (try and choose wholemeal if you can)
  • 4 Slices of Smoked Cheddar
  • 6 Pork Sausages (400g)
  • 4 Rashers Bacon/Bacon Medallions
  • 4 Eggs
  • Spray Vegetable or Olive Oil
  1. Remove the skin from your sausages and chop 2 sausages in half. Take one full sausage and one half sausage and mush them together to create a ball, then flatten until you have a burger shape. Repeat with the remaining sausage mixture until you have 4 equal sausage patties.
  2. Place the sausage burgers on a baking tray and place in a preheated oven (200C/ 180C Fan/ Gas 6) for 25-30 minutes.
  3. Whilst the sausage is cooking, spray either a large Yorkshire pudding tin or some tiny baking trays with some oil. Crack the eggs into the Yorkshire pudding holes. Using a tooth pick (or something similar), gently break the yolk slightly so that it flattens but doesn't mix with the egg white. When the sausage only has 10 minutes left of cooking time, put the eggs in the oven on the shelf below. Bake for 10 minutes.
  4. Whilst the eggs cook, lightly toast your breakfast muffins and dry fry your bacon. At this point you may also want to sort out any veggies you are adding to the side too (e.g. some cherry tomatoes or some mushrooms that you could fry with the bacon). Aim to have them ready by the time your eggs and sausage are done.
  5. To assemble you McMartyn, place the sausage pattie onto the base of the bun. Top with a slice of smoked cheddar, then top with the egg and finally bacon. Serve with any veggies on the side and perhaps even a hash brown or 2!


  1. Remove the skin from your sausages and chop 2 sausages in half. Take one full sausage and one half sausage and mush them together to create a ball, then flatten until you have a burger shape. Repeat with the remaining sausage mixture until you have 4 equal sausage patties.
  2. Place the sausage burgers on a baking tray and place in a preheated oven (200C/ 180C Fan/ Gas 6) for 25-30 minutes.
  3. Whilst the sausage is cooking, spray either a large Yorkshire pudding tin or some tiny baking trays with some oil. Crack the eggs into the Yorkshire pudding holes. Using a tooth pick (or something similar), gently break the yolk slightly so that it flattens but doesn't mix with the egg white. When the sausage only has 10 minutes left of cooking time, put the eggs in the oven on the shelf below. Bake for 10 minutes.
  4. Whilst the eggs cook, lightly toast your breakfast muffins and dry fry your bacon. At this point you may also want to sort out any veggies you are adding to the side too (e.g. some cherry tomatoes or some mushrooms that you could fry with the bacon). Aim to have them ready by the time your eggs and sausage are done.
  5. To assemble you McMartyn, place the sausage pattie onto the base of the bun. Top with a slice of smoked cheddar, then top with the egg and finally bacon. Serve with any veggies on the side and perhaps even a hash brown or 2!


  • 4 English Breakfast Muffins (try and choose wholemeal if you can)
  • 4 Slices of Smoked Cheddar
  • 6 Pork Sausages (400g)
  • 4 Rashers Bacon/Bacon Medallions
  • 4 Eggs
  • Spray Vegetable or Olive Oil

Additional Information

I would only recommend you having this breakfast every now and again rather than regularly, as it is still pretty high in fat and salt, not to mention the fact we should be reducing our processed meat consumption.

If you do not have a large Yorkshire pudding tin (these are the ones with 4 large holes instead of 12 little ones) or tiny baking trays, simply fry the eggs instead, you just won't get the 'plastic' feel you would associate with the 'real deal'!

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