
Making this amazing dip at home is miles better than the shop-bought ones and a great one to get your kids to make too! It is suitable from 6 months plus (no salt though) and a great sociable side dish for everyone to enjoy.

Serves: ~4

Prep: 5 Mins

Cooking Time: N/A

Ready In: 5 Mins

  • 2 Ripe Avocados
  • 1 Salad Tomato
  • Juice of 1 Lime
  • Salt to taste (optional)
  1. Deseed and chop the tomato into small chunks
  2. Mush the avocados in a bowl, then add in the tomato and lime juice. If small kids aren't around add a small amount of salt to taste. Give it all a stir and serve.


  1. Deseed and chop the tomato into small chunks
  2. Mush the avocados in a bowl, then add in the tomato and lime juice. If small kids aren't around add a small amount of salt to taste. Give it all a stir and serve.


  • 2 Ripe Avocados
  • 1 Salad Tomato
  • Juice of 1 Lime
  • Salt to taste (optional)

Additional Information

If you are serving this to weaning or small children please be mindful that nachos/corn chips can be a choking hazard- serve with something like toast, vegetable sticks or crackers instead.

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