Carrot Cake Waffles

This breakfast is ace for adding a bit of veg into the diet and it is low sugar (if you don't add too much maple syrup once served mind you!). I am willing to bet even your fussy eaters at home will try out these!

Makes: ~6 Waffles

Prep: 10 Mins

Cooking Time: 30 Mins

Ready In: 40 Mins

  • 225g Carrots (grated weight)
  • 300g Self raising flour
  • 3 Eggs
  • 1 tsp Cinnamon
  • 0.5tsp Ginger
  • 50g Butter, melted
  • 250ml Milk
  • 2 tbsp Soft light brown sugar
  • Spray oil to grease the waffle iron
  1. Mix together the flour, ginger, cinnamon, ginger, sugar and carrots in a large bowl. Mix the eggs, melted butter and milk in a separate bowl or jug then thoroughly combine/whisk the two together to get a batter.
  2. Heat your waffle iron, and spray with the oil. Ladle the mix into the waffle pan and spread with a spoon or spatula so the plates are full/grooves are filled. Do not overfill as the mix expands and it will overspill.
  3. Cook for 3-6 minutes. Repeat with the remaining mixture.


  1. Mix together the flour, ginger, cinnamon, ginger, sugar and carrots in a large bowl. Mix the eggs, melted butter and milk in a separate bowl or jug then thoroughly combine/whisk the two together to get a batter.
  2. Heat your waffle iron, and spray with the oil. Ladle the mix into the waffle pan and spread with a spoon or spatula so the plates are full/grooves are filled. Do not overfill as the mix expands and it will overspill.
  3. Cook for 3-6 minutes. Repeat with the remaining mixture.


  • 225g Carrots (grated weight)
  • 300g Self raising flour
  • 3 Eggs
  • 1 tsp Cinnamon
  • 0.5tsp Ginger
  • 50g Butter, melted
  • 250ml Milk
  • 2 tbsp Soft light brown sugar
  • Spray oil to grease the waffle iron

Additional Information

Whilst you are cooking the rest I suggest you keep the cooked waffles warm by putting them directly onto an oven self (I put mine at about 90C).We serve ours with fruit, natural yoghurt and some maple syrup.

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