Little Gannet's Nutritional Services

As an RSPH certified Nutrition Coach, I have a wealth of experience helping families achieve a healthier lifestyle- from weaning support and help with 'fussy eating' right through to supporting you improve your own nutritional wellbeing. What's more, I offer a unique range of 'practical' sessions such as Baby Brunch and School Nutrition and Cooking Packages, that help put the theory into practice! Check out my packages to see how I can help you.

What We Believe In

food should be healthy, fun & enjoyable for everyone.

Emma smiling with a a yellow background behind her.

Who We Are

Our aim at Little Gannets is to make food fun & enjoyable. We offer a unique blend of 'theory' and 'practical' when it comes to healthy eating- whether you are after some help and support, or you would like your kids to get hands on with food, we will have something for you!

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